
Our academic programs are developed in collaboration with the University of London, and are taught by our expert faculty members who are trained and approved by the University of London. Our programs are designed to provide our students with a rigorous and challenging academic experience that will enable them to achieve their full potential.

We offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in fields such as computer science, business administration, law, data science, and accounting and financial management. Our degree programs are designed to be flexible and customizable, and we offer a range of specializations and pathways that enable our students to tailor their degrees to their individual interests and career goals.

In addition to our degree programs, we offer a range of academic resources and support services to help our students succeed. Our campus is equipped with state-of-the-art research labs, computer labs, and a library that provides access to a wide range of academic resources and materials. We also offer workshops, tutorials, and study groups that enable our students to deepen their understanding of course material and develop their academic skills.

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Academic Community

The faculty and academic support staff at BIU consists of both accomplished scholars and experienced practitioners. They strive to develop an educational environment that exceeds geographical boundaries and empowering students to excel in a modern, knowledge-based economy. Additionally, BIU is dedicated to local development, aiming to fill at least half of its recruitment needs from within the region, complementing its global recruitment efforts to enhance the local academic community.

Learning at BIU


At BIU, students engage in programs that are managed, delivered, and assessed by the University of London. The learning experience is dynamic and tailored to students' individual needs. Through modern teaching methods, practical applications, and academic support, BIU ensures students acquire essential skills for success. The learning process blends traditional and modern approaches, with students participating in lectures, seminars, and practical exercises. This interactive environment promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills crucial for success. Students are further supported by our comprehensive digital platforms: the BIU Hub and the University of London Student Portal. These digital spaces provide learning materials, lecture notes, assignments, discussions, and assessments all to enhance and fully appreciate the learning experience. We're committed to enhancing the student journey beyond academic goals. We bring together a dynamic mix of people, topics, and ideas, aligning with BIU's unique educational environment. Our primary focus is on tackling the contemporary challenges encountered by university students, empowering them to succeed

Research at BIU


At BIU, we believe research is essential in pushing boundaries and driving innovation. Our faculty actively engage in projects that tackle real-world challenges and pioneer innovative solutions, contributing to advancements in their respective fields. Our research programs are at the forefront of exploration and we fully support our faculty and students in their endeavours. BIU covers a broad spectrum of disciplines including computer science, business administration, law, data science, and accounting.

Embark on Your Educational Journey Today

Take the first step towards a brighter future with British International University Erbil. Discover our wide range of degree programmes, and join a community dedicated to academic excellence and personal growth. Don't wait – start your journey today!